Eggdrop Documentation - 2. User record manipulation commands
2. User record manipulation commands
- countusers
Returns: number of users in the bot's database
Module: core
- validuser <handle>
Returns: 1 if a user by that name exists; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- finduser <nick!user@host>
Description: finds the user record which most closely matches the given nick!user@host
Returns: the handle found, or "*" if none
Module: core
- userlist [flags]
Returns: a list of users on the bot. You can use the flag matching system here ([global]{&/|}[chan]{&/|}[bot]). '&' specifies "and"; '|' specifies "or".
Module: core
- passwdok <handle> <pass>
Description: checks the password given against the user's password. Check against the password "" (a blank string) or "-" to find out if a user has no password set.
Returns: 1 if the password matches for that user; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- getuser <handle> <entry-type> [extra info]
Description: an interface to the new generic userfile support. Valid entry types are:
returns the current bot-specific flags for the user (bot-only)
returns a list containing the bot's address, telnet port, and relay port (bot-only)
returns a list of hosts for the user
returns a list containing the unixtime last seen and the last seen place. LASTON #channel returns the time last seen time for the channel or 0 if no info exists.
returns the user's global info line
returns the user's XTRA info
returns the master-visible only comment for the user
returns the user's e-mail address
returns the user's url
returns the user's handle as it is saved in the userfile
returns the user's encrypted password
Returns: info specific to each entry-type
Module: core
- setuser <handle> <entry-type> [extra info]
Description: this is the counterpart of getuser. It lets you set the various values. Other then the ones listed below, the entry-types are the same as getuser's.
if used with no third arg, all hosts for the user will be cleared. Otherwise, *1* hostmask is added :P
This setting has 3 forms. "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime> <place>" sets global LASTON time, "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime>" sets global LASTON time (leaving the place field empty), and "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime> <channel>" sets a users LASTON time for a channel (if it is a valid channel).
sets a users password (no third arg will clear it)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- chhandle <old-handle> <new-handle>
Description: changes a user's handle
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the new handle is invalid or already used, or if the user can't be found
Module: core
- chattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: changes the attributes for a user record, if you include any. Changes are of the form '+f', '-o', '+dk', '-o+d', etc. If changes are specified in the format of <changes> <channel<, the channel-specific flags for that channel are altered. You can now use the +o|-o #channel format here too.
Returns: new flags for the user (if you made no changes, the current flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified user does not exist.
Module: core
- botattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: similar to chattr except this modifies bot flags rather than normal user attributes.
Returns: new flags for the bot (if you made no changes, the current flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified bot does not exist.
Module: core
- matchattr <handle> <flags> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified user has the specified flags; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- adduser <handle> [hostmask]
Description: creates a new user entry with the handle and hostmask given (with no password and the default flags)
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if the handle already exists
Module: core
- addbot <handle> <address>
Description: adds a new bot to the userlist with the handle and bot address given (with no password and no flags)
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if the bot already exists
Module: core
- deluser <handle>
Description: attempts to erase the user record for a handle
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if no such user exists
Module: core
- delhost <handle> <hostmask>
Description: deletes a hostmask from a user's host list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the hostmask (or user) doesn't exist
Module: core
- addchanrec <handle> <channel>
Description: adds a channel record for a user
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the user or channel does not exist
Module: channels
- delchanrec <handle> <channel>
Description: removes a channel record for a user. This includes all associated channel flags.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the user or channel does not exist
Module: channels
- haschanrec <handle> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the given handle has a chanrec for the specified channel; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- getchaninfo <handle> <channel>
Returns: info line for a specific channel (behaves just like 'getinfo')
Module: channels
- setchaninfo <handle> <channel> <info>
Description: sets the info line on a specific channel for a user. If info is "none", it will be removed.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchanban <channel> <ban> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a ban to the ban list of a channel; creator is given credit for the ban in the ban list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, ban-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ban.
sticky: forces the ban to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicbans on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newban <ban> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a ban to the global ban list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the ban in the ban list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, global-ban-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ban.
sticky: forces the ban to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicbans on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchanexempt <channel> <exempt> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a exempt to the exempt list of a channel; creator is given credit for the exempt in the exempt list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, exempt-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent exempt. The exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has been removed. For timed bans, once the time period has expired, the exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has either expired or been removed.
sticky: forces the exempt to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicexempts on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newexempt <exempt> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a exempt to the global exempt list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the exempt in the exempt list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, exempt-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent exempt. The exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has been removed.
sticky: forces the exempt to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicexempts on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchaninvite <channel> <invite> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a invite to the invite list of a channel; creator is given credit for the invite in the invite list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, invite-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent invite. The invite will not be removed until the channel has gone -i.
sticky: forces the invite to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicinvites on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newinvite <invite> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a invite to the global invite list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the invite in the invite list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, invite-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent invite. The invite will not be removed until the channel has gone -i.
sticky: forces the invite to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicinvites on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- stick <banmask> [channel]
Description: makes a ban sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstick <banmask> [channel]
Description: makes a ban no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- stickexempt <exemptmask> [channel]
Description: makes an exempt sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstickexempt <exemptmask> [channel]
Description: makes an exempt no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- stickinvite <invitemask> [channel]
Description: makes an invite sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstickinvite <invitemask> [channel]
Description: makes an invite no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchanban <channel> <ban>
Description: removes a ban from the ban list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killban <ban>
Description: removes a ban from the global ban list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchanexempt <channel> <exempt>
Description: removes an exempt from the exempt list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killexempt <exempt>
Description: removes an exempt from the global exempt list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchaninvite <channel> <invite>
Description: removes an invite from the invite list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killinvite <invite>
Description: removes an invite from the global invite list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- ischanjuped <channel>
Returns: 1 if the channel is juped, and the bot is unable to join; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- isban <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- ispermban <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is in the global ban list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isexempt <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- ispermexempt <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is in the global exempt list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isinvite <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isperminvite <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is in the global invite list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isbansticky <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is marked as sticky in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isexemptsticky <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is marked as sticky in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isinvitesticky <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is marked as sticky in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchban <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches a ban in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchexempt <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches an exempt in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchinvite <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches an invite in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- banlist [channel]
Returns: a list of global bans, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific bans. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- exemptlist [channel]
Returns: a list of global exempts, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific exempts. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- invitelist [channel]
Returns: a list of global invites, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific invites. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- newignore <hostmask> <creator> <comment> [lifetime]
Description: adds an entry to the ignore list; creator is given credit for the ignore. lifetime is how many minutes until the ignore expires and is removed. If lifetime is not specified, ignore-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ignore.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- killignore <hostmask>
Description: removes an entry from the ignore list
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- ignorelist
Returns: a list of ignores. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, and creator. The timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: core
- isignore <hostmask>
Returns: 1 if the ignore is in the list; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- save
Description: writes the user and channel files to disk
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- reload
Description: loads the userfile from disk, replacing whatever is in memory
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- backup
Description: makes a simple backup of the userfile that's on disk. If the channels module is loaded, this also makes a simple backup of the channel file.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- getting-users
Returns: 1 if the bot is currently downloading a userfile from a sharebot (and hence, user records are about to drastically change); 0 if not
Module: core