Eggdrop Documentation - 3. Channel commands
3. Channel commands
- channel add <name> [option-list]
Description: adds a channel record for the bot to monitor. The full list of possible options are given in doc/settings/mod.channels. Note that the channel options must be in a list (enclosed in {}).
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channel set <name> <options...>
Description: sets options for the channel specified. The full list of possible options are given in doc/settings/mod.channels.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channel info <name>
Returns: a list of info about the specified channel's settings.
Module: channels
- channel get <name> <setting>
Returns: The value of the setting you specify. For flags, a value of 0 means it is disabled (-), and non-zero means enabled (+).
Module: channels
- channel remove <name>
Description: removes a channel record from the bot and makes the bot no longer monitor the channel
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- savechannels
Description: saves the channel settings to the channel-file if one is defined.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- loadchannels
Description: reloads the channel settings from the channel-file if one is defined.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channels
Returns: a list of the channels the bot has a channel record for
Module: channels
- channame2dname <channel-name>
- chandname2name <channel-dname>
Description: these two functions are important to correctly support !channels. The bot differentiates between channel description names (chan dnames) and real channel names (chan names). The chan dnames are what you would normally call the channel, such as "!channel". The chan names are what the IRC server uses to identify the channel. They consist of the chan dname prefixed with an ID; such as "!ABCDEchannel".
For bot functions like isop, isvoice, etc. you need to know the chan dnames. If you communicate with the server, you usually get the chan name, though. That's what you need the channame2dname function for.
If you only have the chan dname and want to directly send raw server commands, use the chandname2name command.
For non-!channels, chan dname and chan name are the same.
Module: irc
- isbotnick <nick>
Returns: 1 if the nick matches the botnick; 0 otherwise
Module: server
- botisop [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has ops on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botishalfop [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has halfops on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botisvoice [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has a voice on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botonchan [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot is on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- isop <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by the specified nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) and has ops; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- ishalfop <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by the specified nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) and has halfops; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- wasop <nickname> <channel>
Returns: 1 if someone that just got opped/deopped in the chan had op before the modechange; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- washalfop <nickname> <channel>
Returns: 1 if someone that just got halfopped/dehalopped in the chan had halfop before the modechange; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- isvoice <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by that nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel is specified) and has voice (+v); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- onchan <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by that nickname is on the specified channel (or any channel if none is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- nick2hand <nickname> [channel]
Returns: the handle of a nickname on a channel. If a channel is not specified, the bot will check all of its channels. If the nick is not found, "" is returned. If the nick is found but does not have a handle, "*" is returned.
Module: irc
- hand2nick <handle> [channel]
Returns: nickname of the first person on the specified channel (if one is specified) whose nick!user@host matches the given handle; "" is returned if no match is found. If no channel is specified, all channels are checked.
Module: irc
- handonchan <handle> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the the nick!user@host for someone on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) matches for the handle given; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- ischanban <ban> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is on the given channel's ban list (not the bot's banlist for the channel)
Module: irc
- ischanexempt <exempt> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is on the given channel's exempt list (not the bot's exemptlist for the channel)
Module: irc
- ischaninvite <invite> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is on the given channel's invite list (not the bot's invitelist for the channel)
Module: irc
- chanbans <channel>
Returns: a list of the current bans on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<ban> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- chanexempts <channel>
Returns: a list of the current exempts on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<exempts> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- chaninvites <channel>
Returns: a list of the current invites on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<invites> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- resetbans <channel>
Description: removes all bans on the channel that aren't in the bot's ban list and refreshes any bans that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetexempts [channel]
Description: removes all exempt on the channel that aren't in the bot's exempt list and refreshes any exempts that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetinvites [channel]
Description: removes all invites on the channel that aren't in the bot's invite list and refreshes any invites that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetchan <channel>
Returns: rereads in the channel info from the server
Module: irc
- getchanhost <nickname> [channel]
Returns: user@host of the specified nickname (the nickname is not included in the returned host). If a channel is not specified, bot will check all of its channels. If the nickname is not on the channel(s), "" is returned.
Module: irc
- getchanjoin <nickname> <channel>
Returns: timestamp (unixtime format) of when the specified nickname joined the channel
Module: irc
- onchansplit <nick> [channel]
Returns: 1 if that nick is split from the channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- chanlist <channel> [flags[&chanflags]]
Description: flags are any global flags; the '&' denotes to look for channel specific flags. Examples:
Global Owner
Channel Owner
Global Op, Channel Master
Returns: list of nicknames currently on the bot's channel that have all of the flags specified;. If no flags are given, all of the nicknames are returned. Please note that if you're executing chanlist after a part or sign bind, the gone user will still be listed, so you can check for wasop, isop, etc.
Module: irc
- getchanidle <nickname> <channel>
Returns: number of minutes that person has been idle; 0 if the specified user isn't on the channel
Module: irc
- getchanmode <channel>
Returns: string of the type "+ntik key" for the channel specified
Module: irc
- jump [server [port [password]]]
Description: jumps to the server specified, or (if none is specified) the next server in the bot's serverlist
Returns: nothing
Module: server
- pushmode <channel> <mode> [arg]
Description: sends out a channel mode change (ex: pushmode #lame +o goober) through the bot's queuing system. All the mode changes will be sent out at once (combined into one line as much as possible) after the script finishes, or when 'flushmode' is called.
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- flushmode <channel>
Description: forces all previously pushed channel mode changes to be sent to the server, instead of when the script is finished (just for the channel specified)
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- topic <channel>
Returns: string containing the current topic of the specified channel
Module: irc
- validchan <channel>
Description: checks if the bot has a channel record for the specified channel. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the bot is ON the channel.
Returns: 1 if the channel exists, 0 if not
Module: nothing
- isdynamic <channel>
Returns: 1 if the channel is a dynamic channel; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- setudef <flag/int/str> <name>
Description: initializes a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting. You can use it like any other flag/setting. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to reinitialize your flags/settings after a restart, or it'll be lost.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- renudef <flag/int/str> <oldname> <newname>
Description: renames a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- deludef <flag/int/str> <name>
Description: deletes a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels