Eggdrop Documentation - 8. Filesys module

30-12-2010 10:43

8. Filesys module

setpwd <idx> <dir>

Description: changes the directory of a file system user, in exactly the same way as a 'cd' command would. The directory can be specified relative or absolute.

Returns: nothing

Module: filesys

getpwd <idx>

Returns: the current directory of a file system user

Module: filesys

getfiles <dir>

Returns: a list of files in the directory given; the directory is relative to dcc-path

Module: filesys

getdirs <dir>

Returns: a list of subdirectories in the directory given; the directory is relative to dcc-path

Module: filesys

dccsend <filename> <ircnick>

Description: attempts to start a dcc file transfer to the given nick; the filename must be specified either by full pathname or in relation to the bot's startup directory





the dcc table is full (too many connections)


can't open a socket for the transfer


the file doesn't exist


the file was queued for later transfer, which means that person has too many file transfers going right now


copy-to-tmp is enabled and the file already exists in the temp directory

Module: transfer

filesend <idx> <filename> [ircnick]

Description: like dccsend, except it operates for a current filesystem user, and the filename is assumed to be a relative path from that user's current directory

Returns: 0 on failure; 1 on success (either an immediate send or a queued send)

Module: filesys

fileresend <idx> <filename> [ircnick]

Description: functions like filesend, only that it sends a DCC RESEND instead of a DCC SEND, which allows people to resume aborted file transfers if their client supports that protocol. ircII/BitchX/etc. support it; mIRC does not.

Returns: 0 on failure; 1 on success (either an immediate send or a queued send)

Module: filesys

setdesc <dir> <file> <desc>

Description: sets the description for a file in a file system directory; the directory is relative to dcc-path

Returns: nothing

Module: filesys

getdesc <dir> <file>

Returns: the description for a file in the file system, if one exists

Module: filesys

setowner <dir> <file> <handle>

Description: changes the owner for a file in the file system; the directory is relative to dcc-path

Returns: nothing

Module: filesys

getowner <dir> <file>

Returns: the owner of a file in the file system

Module: filesys

setlink <dir> <file> <link>

Description: creates or changes a linked file (a file that actually exists on another bot); the directory is relative to dcc-path

Returns: nothing

Module: filesys

getlink <dir> <file>

Returns: the link for a linked file, if it exists

Module: filesys

getfileq <handle>

Returns: list of files queued by someone; each item in the list will be a sublist with two elements: nickname the file is being sent to and the filename

Module: transfer

getfilesendtime <idx>

Returns: the unixtime value for when a file transfer started, or a negative number:


no matching transfer with the specified idx was found


the idx matches an entry which is not a file transfer

Module: transfer

mkdir <directory> [<required-flags> [channel]]

Description: creates a directory in the file system. Only users with the required flags may access it.





can't create directory


directory exists but is not a directory


could not open filedb

Module: filesys

rmdir <directory>

Description: removes a directory from the file system.

Returns: 0 on success; 1 on failure

Module: filesys

mv <file> <destination>

Description: moves a file from its source to the given destination. The file can also be a mask, such as /incoming/*, provided the destination is a directory.

Returns: If the command was successful, the number of files moved will be returned. Otherwise, a negative number will be returned:


invalid source file


invalid destination


destination file exists


no matches found

Module: filesys

cp <file> <destination>

Description: copies a file from its source to the given destination. The file can also be a mask, such as /incoming/*, provided the destination is a directory.

Returns: If the command was successful, the number of files copied will be returned. Otherwise, a negative number will be returned:


invalid source file


invalid destination


destination file exists


no matches found

Module: filesys

getflags <dir>

Returns: the flags required to access a directory

Module: filesys

setflags <dir> [<flags> [channel]]

Description: sets the flags required to access a directory

Returns: 0 on success; -1 or -3 on failure

Module: filesys